
A Builders Passions!

Since being discharged from the Army about 40 years ago, I have discovered a few passions in my journey as a builder.

I fell in love with the construction industry, way back in the 50’s, when my 2nd-grade teacher’s husband gave me my very first rides on a dump truck and bulldozer.  That was as exciting as watching Duke Snider crush one onto Flat Bush avenue at Old Ebbets Field.

After discovering I wasn’t going to be the second coming of Duke(I couldn’t hit a 90 mile an hour fastball) I obtained a degree in Civil Engineering to pursue my passion for building highways, dams, and buildings.

My military service honed my skills as a leader and taught me valuable lessons in how to run Company. Naturally, my dream became to own my own construction company.  I have followed that dream to the present day.

I learned over the course of time that there were certain aspects of the construction business I loved:

  1. Renovating existing homes, and historic homes and buildings.
  2. Solving moisture and structural related problems affecting existing buildings and homes.
  3. Adapting older, existing buildings, like Grist Mills, Barns and other miscellaneous structures for new uses. I love their ambiance and feeling of stability.  Of course, that also fit in with my love of renovation.
  4. As I began this construction business in the 70’s, there was an oil crisis brought on by OPEC.  Having recently returned to the States from my stationing in Europe, where fuel prices and limited supplies combined to create a sense of fear,  I became consumed by energy efficiency in building both new and existing.
  5. My other drive was affordable housing. At the time, market rate affordable housing.  I didn’t know a thing about subsidized affordable housing, but beginning in the late 90’s that interest was awakened like an explosion.

That sums up Bob’s construction interests in 5 easy steps:

Renovation, problem-solving, common sense, cost-effective energy efficiency/sustainable building practices, cost-effective, adaptive reuse of significant older buildings and the building of affordable housing—both market rate and subsidized.

That is Builder Bob’s World.  It is what is discussed, written about and presented on these pages.  I didn’t name myself Builder Bob.  I hosted a live, call-in radio show regarding homes and home improvements for about three years.  People started calling me that, and it stuck.  I like it.  In today’s language, it is my brand.

This site exists to help homeowners, the public, for-profits, builders, and non-profits solve problems and push the common sense building envelope.  I hope you, the visitor enjoys the journey

This page is being updated and is a work in progress.

Renovation, Adaptive-ReUse and Affordable Housing Building Advisers.